Established in 1883
The Club derives its name from Tattersall’s, the London horse auction mart and “subscription rooms” founded in 1776.
For more than 140 years, Tattersall’s Club has had an iconic presence in Brisbane.
Our diverse Membership is drawn across all ages, genders and backgrounds including business, government, sport, arts and culture.
Our heritage-listed Club, located above Tattersall’s Arcade on the corner of Queen and Edward Street, is committed to excellence, elegance and style in its traditional and historical surrounds.

Established in 1883
The Club derives its name from Tattersall’s, the London horse auction mart and “subscription rooms” founded in 1776.
For more than 150 years, Tattersall’s Club has aspired to shape Brisbane’s future and drive the city forwards.
Our diverse Membership is drawn across all ages, genders and backgrounds including business, government, sport, arts and culture.
Our heritage-listed Club, located above Tattersall’s Mall on Edward Street, is committed to excellence and exudes elegance and style in its traditional and historical surrounds.

Our Story
In its early days, Tattersall’s Club shared resources with the newly formed Queensland Turf Club until the two became established and independent. Our Club has grown to accommodate more than 5000 Members, state-of-the-art facilities and a modern function centre while remaining one of Australia’s most prestigious private Membership Clubs.

The Building
The Tattersall’s Club building was designed and built in 1926 by Hall and Prentice, the architects responsible for Brisbane City Hall, based on the designs of London’s original horse auction rooms. Today’s building combines both traditional and modern facilities.

Honour Board
The Tattersall’s Club honour board proudly honours those Club Members who bravely served our country. Please contact us if you know someone who should be included on our Honour Board.